The ‘Bronze Package’ program is Total Grounds Care standard program for the year, including twenty maintenance visits. Your location will be visited throughout the year to ensure that it always looks its best. There is a greater frequency of visits during the Spring, Summer and Autumn months when things are growing and Winter visits will ensure the site remains tidy.
The schedule of visits is:
November - February: 1 visit per month
March - October: 2 visits per month
• Grass Cutting (Formal Grass Areas and General Amenity Grass)
• Edging Grassed Areas
• Strimming
• Weed Control to Borders, Paths and Hardstandings
• Hoeing and Digging
• Pruning of Shrubs and Roses
• Deadheading Flowers
• Hedge Maintenance
• Leaf Clearance
• Litter Picking and Leaf Sweeping
• Sweeping and Blowing Hard Surfaces
The ‘Silver Package’ program is Total Grounds Care's intermediate yearly program consisting of 26 site visits in total per year. The changing climate has lead to warmer and wetter Summer months with resultant faster growth of plants and grassed areas. For many locations extra visits are needed during the height of the season to ensure that your site looks its best.
The schedule of visits is:
May - July inclusive: 4 visits per month
August - October: 2 visits per month
March & April: 2 visits per month
November - February inclusive: Monthly visits
• Grass Cutting (Formal Grass Areas and General Amenity Grass)
• Edging of all lawned areas including public open spaces
• Striming
• Weed control to borders each visit
• Weed control to paths and hard standings, fortnightly spraying
• Hoeing and digging
• Pruning and shaping of shrubs and roses
• Deadheading flowers
• Hedge maintenance
• Leaf clearance
• Leaf sweeping
• Litter picking
• Sweeping and blowing of hard surfaces
• Single lawn treatment for all areas including public open spaces
• Moss and algae control twice annual